What is Worldschooling?


One of the main things people want to know about when I tell them I am taking Nyneave travelling around the world is how she will keep up with her education. Many people don't realise that in the UK putting your child into full time education is a choice and isn't a legal requirement. Legally … Continue reading What is Worldschooling?

How to survive your first work away experience


Those of you who follow my Facebook page will know I experienced my very first workaway this month and it didn’t go exactly as I expected. What is workaway? Workaway.info is a website that gives people who wish to travel the opportunity to find free accommodation around the world. Much like Air BnB, people with … Continue reading How to survive your first work away experience

Effective Social Media Marketing For Busy Business Owners

social media

Over the last few months, I have been spending a lot of time attending networking events. In that time I have come across a great number of small business owners who are all facing similar problems. Many small businesses and startups struggle to manage their social media platforms and find it both time consuming and … Continue reading Effective Social Media Marketing For Busy Business Owners