Deciding what kind of business is right for you…

When you decide you want to be self-employed and start an online business the next step is to try and figure out what kind of business is right for you. Now, this is not something that comes easily to everyone. It certainly did not come easily to me. I tried a whole load of different things but ultimately you need to really consider what your strengths are.

My background is in Events Management and Marketing Events so I already had a pretty good knowledge of social media. I also love reading and writing and had always said I would love to be a writer when I was younger only I never finished a story. The beauty of blogging is you can write and write and you never have to come to the end… So for me, free lance digital marketing and blogging worked out perfectly. But it’s taken me about a year to come to that!

Questions to ask yourself

What are my strengths?

What am I good at?

What do I enjoy?

What would I do if money was no object?

Ask yourself these questions and then take a look at my online business ideas… All of these business ideas can be run from anywhere in the world and give you the freedom and opportunity to travel whilst making money.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is a very wide area and covers everything from social media which can be quite fun and light-hearted to SEO which is very analytical and strategic. There are tonnes of online courses in all areas of digital marketing and I would recommend to anyone who is looking at this area to choose a specific aspect and focus on that. Finding your niche is very important.

Digital Designer

If design is your thing then becoming a graphic designer or web designer could be perfect. This business is great for someone who is creative and loves to make things look pretty.

Virtual Assistant

Being a virtual assistant takes someone who is very organised, enjoys working with other and can muli-task. If this is you then take a look at my page all about becoming a virtual assistant.

Network Marketing

Network marketing is great for those of you who are feeling a bit nervous about the prospect of starting a business. When you join up with a network marketing company you will have a whole load of other women supporting you and encouraging you to be a success.

Amazon Seller

You can sell products on Amazon that you have never seen or touched. Using Amazon’s online systems you can ship products direct to their warehouses and then list them for sale on your profile. Amazon will then ensure they are sent out once they are ordered.

Membership Clubs 

A membership club is a great way to earn a regular recurring income. If you have a skill, area of expertise or something you can share with a wide range of people then creating a membership club could be a perfect way of doing this.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing requires a mix of skills and pulls in everything from blogging to digital marketing. However, anyone can learn to do it and I had never created a website before this time last year.  Wealthy Affiliate is a great website with the first set of training totally free. So if you have some experience in digital marketing, building basic websites or none of the above you can learn how to do it here. Also be sure to check out my Affiliate Marketing blog.

So these are your main options when trying to find a really profitable way to make money online. I would love to hear of any other ideas you have seen or tried. Please feel free to leave a comment below.

Coach & Consultant

Coaching is the process of helping someone move from where they are to where they need to be. Coaches have usually achieved similar goals themselves or have a large amount of experience in the area. As a business consultant, you can work with businesses to overcome issues they may be facing. This could be in any number of areas and business consultants can be very highly paid especially when they work in niche industries.


Dropshipping is the sale of products via a fulfillment partner. This means that you can create a website and sell products without ever actually touching those products. When you make a sale you simply notify the fulfillment partner and they deal with all of the shipment and return issues. All you have to do to make a profit is sell the products for more than you buy them for.

Online Courses

Many people want to learn things without attending formal education these days and there is a growing trend of people wanting to learn from home. If you have a skill or area of expertise then creating an online course could be easier than you think.


You can write and self-publish books, audio books and e-books online without ever having to worry about a publisher. Being a self-published author means you will have to take full responsibility for the marketing of your work but it also means you have more control.